Whether you’re renewing your membership, or joining for the first time, our members are the backbone of our work. Memberships help us with immediate issues like threats to our democracy, public land threats, and keeping elected officials accountable, while also helping us plan out our future programs and accomplish our long-term goals.
Membership Levels:
Globemallow Membership (3,500′ elevation- student)- $25 a year.
San Juan River Membership (4,067′ elevation)- $250. Includes insider update and a koozie (optional).
Bears Ears Membership (6,500′ elevation) $500. includes insider update and a RUP branded Carhartt cap (optional).
Book Cliffs Membership (8,500′ elevation) $1,000. includes insider update, option to meet with Development or Executive Director and a RUP “Be a Vocal Local” t shirt (optional).
La Sal Membership (12,721′ elevation)- $2,500+ includes Insider updates, Quarterly Executive Director updates, and choice of merchandise (optional).
*Note that membership names are strictly for characterization. Memberships under any of these levels directly supports the Rural Utah Project’s efforts, and doesn’t directly fund organizing work around the landmarks they are named after.
Email our Development Director, Kate Steinicke to sign up! [email protected]